Arjun RP

Arjun RP

Web Developer, Love to Work for a Good Cause

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About Me

"I would like to be a part of organization where i can make use of my skill and learn new skills so that i can play a vital role in bringing organization goal to reality.

As a web developer i love to plan, discuss, design, code, test and deploy websites and web applications. Currently working on NodeJS and PHP projects, trying to explore more about client-server programming using javascript/PHP and other awesome javascript frameworks like Jquery, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Mocha.

Other than web development i like to explore more about Linux, networking and web-application development. I am also interested in open source software development."


brackets-documents-toolbar - Brackets text editor extension

Open source contribution to brackets-documents-toolbar, an extension for Backets text editor.

Find out more

Third Planet Tours And Travel

Web Application for a private travel agency. The agency adds new travel packages and vehicles, these information will be shown to customers and the customers can browse through different tour packages and vehicle list, also customers can book for a particular tour package or vehicle.

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ACM-ICPC Registration Portal

Web application for the 'ACM ICPC - Amritapuri Site' programming contest. The portal was used to manage registration process and handling team details. The application was used for 3 consecutive years (2012, 2013 and 2014) with more than 700 users each year.

About ACM ICPC 2014

ASPIRATIONS 2020 - Domjudge

As part of Aspirations 2020 programming contest - 2014 an open source contest management tool named 'Domjudge' was modified to provide custom login page, password reset facility via email and developed an interface for admin users to reset password and add users easily. More than 25000 contestants from 480 Colleges participated in the event.

Aspirations Certificate

Mooshak - Contest Management Tool

Open source contribution to Mooshak a popular contest management tool. An 'export to excel' module was integrated to Mooshak so that admin users can get team details in excel format.

Mooshak Contibution

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Other Activites And Experience

Barcamp Kerala 15

Organized Barcamp Kerala 15 as part of our course 'Open Souce Software' on April 2014.

Workshop - Corporate Theatre

Attended a one day( 20 Feb, 2014 ) workshop on ‘Corporate Theatre’ , conducted by CIR Department, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus.

Workshop - Web Development and Design Principles

Conducted a workshop on ‘Web Development and Design Principles’ as part of Mithra Association Activities on Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus.

Team Lead - Amrita Serve An Hour Project

Supervised a team of 30 students of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, as part of ‘Amrita Serve An Hour Project - 2013’.